Sep 5, 2012

A Goal

I wish  I could be one of those stay-at-home moms that has a clean house , impeccable kitchen with the smell of homemade deliciousness  lingering in the air. One who is always dressed in the cutest outfits and does the most amazing crafting projects in her spare time . But let's get real. 

Most of the time my house looks like this.
My kitchen is less than impeccable and I don't think my yoga pants and t-shirt counts as a cute outfit (especially because it usually has spit-up or pureed broccoli stuck to it somewhere). 
As for the most amazing crafting projects, at least there is stamp club. Three to four hours a month dedicated to beautiful cards and girl-time.

Mostly I spend my time hanging around with this little guy. 
We walk to the park, chase the cat around the house (poor Skippy) and go to the pool. I love watching him. Sure, I could get things done while he plays on the floor but then I would miss all of those funny little moments like when he learned how to turn the pages of a book or when he realized that he could grab the edge of the coffee table and stand up to get the cat. I just love this time with him.
All that being said, becoming a mommy really does change you in ways you didn’t even know could be possible and sometimes it can feel like I have lost who I am as Laura in the craziness of everyday life. In an effort to get back to feeling more like myself, I have decided to  do something I have always wanted to do. I am learning to quilt!!  Woo hoo! I know this won’t help with the impeccable house part and I probably will quilt in my yoga pants and broccoli stained t-shirts but it is something for me to learn and I am excited.  About two years ago I bought this fabric. I love it!


Since I bought just random amounts of this fabric I am going to make it into this lovely pattern. 

I also joined a quilting club so that I could have some motivation, guidance and more girl-time and my first meeting is next Monday.  With any luck,  will have some progress to show you after that!
Thanks for stopping by!
Mrs. Ozurovich


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